Countries: USA.
user rating: 7,2 / 10 star.
Bryan Singer.
Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshiped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel's X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto, to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven with the help of Professor X must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.
Audience score: 375625 Votes
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After creating an another time-line to the X-men Universe in Days of Future Past, X-Men Apocalypse delivers a satisfying and interesting story along with presenting the new generation of the future X-men films.
In the opening scene, we got to know more about who Apocalypse is and all the cult that supports him. After such impressive scene, it made me more anxious for the rest. In the end, I wasn't disappointed, just some directions which the film took that made me question about it.
There's no doubt that Michael Fassbender as Magneto and James McAvoy as Professor X are the ones who gave the best performance. Specially Fassbender who in the first scenes are fantastic, specially one in the forest. Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique also did a great job, but an issue that I had is the path which this character created through the films, because there's so much Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games movies in the mystique's personality that it quite a lot.
Oscar Isaac as Apocalypse is incredible, the changes in his voice made the character feels much more powerful, the costume isn't as good as the one from the comics but it's quite OK. My problem were the four horsemen, the introduction of each one specially Angel and Psylocke is very interesting, because it shows a different mutant world that I would like to know more, even though it's the focus of the film. As the movie goes on, it's not given to them such importance and in the end, feels like they're just Apocalypse's stooges.
The new generation is very promising, their arcs and presentations aren't very extensive, it's to the audience get to know the new faces of characters already known, as Cyclops, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Storm and Jubille. A character already pretty established is Quicksilver, when he's in the scene, he steals it, particularly in his special scene which is just amazing and fantastic to watch.
Due to the nature of the film, it's required lots of CGI. It worried me, because in some moments it was very perceptible, but overall, the special effects were really good, more so, when it was the powers' demonstrations.
In the end, X-Men Apocalypse is a great movie to the a trilogy started in X-Men First Class. In regards of the action is one of the best, it falls in the drama aspect, except one or two characters who receive more attention, the others doesn't have a lot to work with in relation with their dramatic plot.
No spoilers.
For a good or a bad - it is the (more or less) the typical X-men/Superhero/Super power movie. I'm not some sort of a mega fan or anything but I do enjoy all X-men movies. If not for anything, at least watch 'cause that's the last time that Hugh Jackman will play Wolverine. VERY sad fact for me!
The movie has a lot to offer but still nothing that original (more or less. In saying that - it's very colourful and the actors are First class! Im kinda sick of Game Of Thrones actors to be in every new movie in 2016 but I guess it is, what it is.
Anyhow, long story - it's a great movie to watch it in the cinema - don't wait to come out on blu-ray or anything like this. You'll probably like your girlfriend probably won't :D but she won't hate it son! D.
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I can only assume the critics saw a different cut of the film I did, because this film clicked with me on every level. I only have two criticisms: First, we never see Jubilee in action, and that's a bit disappointing.
Second, it starts off slow, but that 30 minutes of exposition makes you care so much more about what happens to the characters later on, and that emotion is important.
The last five minutes of the film is (in my opinion) what they should have been shooting for all along. Finally we get to see the 90's era X-Men.
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